
lunch time

spinach salad with onion, cucumber and parsley/ local cantaloupe

what i enjoy about salads is the versatility and flavor combinations you can make. i tend to listen to what my body craves by keeping a fridge full of fresh organic veggies and fruit. here i tossed the salad with pink himalayan sea salt and raw coconut vinegar. so amazing. i generally like to add raw nuts to all of my salad for the extra protein, but for this salad i added taco nut meat from ani pho's blog.

On the side i enjoyed some of colorado's rocky ford melon. These melons are full of flavor and have the perfect amount of sweetness. Good source for both vitamin a and c! I look forward to them every year!

add meyer lemons to your carafe for sweet and cleansing water

I always look forward to lunch time. It gives us a moment in the middle of the day to refuel our bodies and listen to what we need for the night.


  1. Looks so delicious and refreshing :)

  2. it definitely was! i've been eating cantaloupe like crazy lately.
